HIRA (Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment) Topics
Access for 5th floor to 6th floor Al-door&window Assembly of gallery Backfilling Batching plant Bin building erection Blasting Brick work Chipping work ( manually) Chipping work by mc Clinker Silo Concrete work Concreting and Finishing work Crane boom fixing Curing Cutting and bendingCutting work Deshuttering work Dewatering Dismantling of cement silo Dismantling of concrete pump tower Dismantling of shed Dismantling of staging Dismantling of wall Drilling work by mc Erection of col.and beam ,stair excavation(manually) excavation(mechanised) False Ceiling Fixing of GI sheet Girder and beam Errection Grouting Lifting & Fixing of cross bracing Lifting & Fixing of Gratings Lifting &fixing of GI sheet Lifting of materials on the top Lowering of materials by single hydra Paint work
Parmanent handrailing at hopper Passenger Hoist Lift POP RF fixing shuttering RCC work Rock breaking Sand Filling Scaffolding staging tower for concr pump shifting of materials by double hydra Tunnel work Unloading of reinforcement steel Wah hazards Welding Work Winch Machine