Dos & Don’t s – Abrasive wheel
• DO always HANDLE and STORE wheels in a CAREFUL manner.
• DO VISUALLY INSPECT all wheels before mounting for possible damage.
• DO CHECK MACHINE SPEED against the established maximum safe operating speed marked on the wheel.
• DO CHECK MOUNTING FLANGES for equal and correct diameter. Should be at least 1/3 diameter of the wheel and relieved around hole.
• DO USE MOUNTING BLOTTERS supplied with wheels.
• DO be sure WORK REST is properly adjusted. Center of the wheel or above; no more than 1/8″ away from the wheel.
• DO always USE A SAFETY GUARD covering at least one half of the grinding wheel.
• DO allow NEWLY MOUNTED WHEELS to run at operating speed, with guard in place, for at least one minute before grinding.
• DO always WEAR SAFETY GLASSES or some type of eye protection when grinding.
• DO TURN OFF COOLANT before stopping wheel to avoid creating an out-of-balancing condition.
• DON’T use a cracked wheel or one that HAS BEEN DROPPED or has become damaged.
• DON’T FORCE a wheel onto the machine OR ALTER the size of the mounting hole – if the wheel won’t fit the machine, get one that will.
• DON’T ever EXCEED MAXIMUM OPERATING SPEED established for the wheel.
• DON’T use mounting flanges on which the bearing surfaces are NOT CLEAN, FLAT AND FREE OF BURRS.
• DON’T TIGHTEN the mounting nut EXCESSIVELY.
• DON’T grind on the SIDE OF THE WHEEL, unless wheel is specifically designed for that purpose.
• DON’T start the machine until the WHEEL GUARD is in PLACE.
• DON’T JAM work into the wheel.
• DON’T STAND DIRECTLY IN FRONT of a grinding wheel whenever a grinder is started.
• DON’T FORCE GRINDING so that motor slows noticeably or work gets hot.
• DON’T grind material for which the WHEEL IS NOT DESIGNED.