
The word “pesticide” is a general term used to describe a substance (or mixture) that kills a pest, or it prevents or reduces the damage a pest may cause. Pests can be insects, mice or other animals, unwanted plants (weeds), fungi, bacteria or viruses.

Pesticides can also include any substance that is used to modify a plant’s growth (regulator), drop a plant’s leaves prematurely (defoliant), or act as a drying agent (desiccant). Pesticides are usually chemicals, but they can also be made from natural materials such as animals, plants, bacteria, etc.

NOTE: The term “pesticide” describes a very large and diverse group of chemicals or products. It is very important to always get specific information about the exact product you are using.

Examples of pesticides:

Pesticides include a wide range of products – many of which you may use every day. The table below lists some common categories, their purpose, and what products they are normally found in. There are many, many more types of pesticides than what is listed here.

Different forms of pesticides:

Pesticides are formulated (prepared) in liquid, solid and gaseous forms.

  • Liquid formulations include suspensions (flowables), solutions, emulsifiable concentrates, microencapsulated suspensions, and aerosols.
  • Solid formulations include dusts, particulates, granulars, pellets, soluble granules, soluble powders, baits, tablets, dry flowables and wettable powders.
  • Gaseous pesticides are typically fumigants (can be sold as liquids or gases).

Abbreviations are often used with the trade name on the pesticide label to indicate the type of formulation. Some examples of words and abbreviations used for pesticide label formulation statements are:

D – Dust or Powder
DF – Dry Flowable
E or E C – Emulsifiable Concentrate
F – Flowable
G – Granular
P – Pellet
S – Solution
SC – Sprayable Concentrate
SP – Soluble Powder
WDG – Water Dispersible Granules
WP – Wettable Powder
WS – Water Soluble Concentrate

Health effects are associated with pesticides:

Pesticides are designed to kill “pests”, but some pesticides can also cause health effects in people. The likelihood of developing health effects depends on the type of pesticide and other chemicals that are in the product you are using, as well as the amount you are exposed to and how long or often you are exposed.

Most often, pesticides affect the nervous system (system in your body that controls your nerves and muscles). General health effects from acute (short-term) exposures or poisonings are listed in the table below.

NOTE: The term “pesticide” describes a very large and diverse group of chemicals or products. It is very important to always get specific information about the exact product you are using.

Some health effects from pesticide exposure may occur right away, as you are being exposed. Some symptoms may occur several hours after exposure. Other effects may not be noticed for years, for example cancer.

Some symptoms of pesticide exposure will go away as soon as the exposure stops. Others may take some time to go away. For people exposed to pesticides on a regular basis, long-term health effects are a concern.

Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding should check with their doctors before working with pesticides as some pesticides may be harmful to the fetus (unborn baby) or to breast-fed infants.

Certified pesticide applicators or people who work with pesticides are encouraged to have regular medical check-ups. Tell your doctor which pesticides you are working with and/or exposed to.

Pesticides enter our bodies:

Pesticides can enter your body during mixing, applying, or clean-up operations. There are generally three ways a chemical or material can enter the body:

  • through the skin (dermal),
  • through the lungs (inhalation), or
  • by mouth (ingestion).

Dermal (absorption through skin)

In most work situations, absorption through the skin is the most common route of pesticide exposure. People can be exposed to a splash or mist when mixing, loading or applying the pesticide. Skin contact can also occur when you touch a piece of equipment, protective clothing, or surface that has pesticide residue on it.

Inhalation (through the lungs)

Inhalation may occur when working near powders, airborne droplets (mists) or vapours. The hazard from low-pressure applications is fairly low because most of the droplets are too large to remain in the air. Applying a pesticide with high pressure, ultra low volume, or fogging equipment can increase the hazard because the droplets are smaller and they can be carried in the air for considerable distances. Pesticides with a high inhalation hazard will be labelled with directions to use a respirator.

Ingestion (by mouth)

While ingestion (by mouth) is a less common way to be exposed, it can result in the most severe poisonings. There are numerous reports of people accidentally drinking a pesticide that has been put into an unlabelled bottle or beverage cup/container (including soft drink cans or bottles). Workers who handle pesticides may also unintentionally ingest the substance when eating or smoking if they have not washed their hands first.

Can people become allergic to pesticides?

Fortunately, few of the thousands of pesticides used today cause true allergies. This is because pesticides are tested for their potential to cause allergies prior to being put on the market. However, over time, an allergic reaction to some pesticides or chemicals used in the formulation of some pesticides can develop in some people.

There are two types of allergic sensitization: skin and respiratory. Symptoms of skin sensitization may include swelling, redness, itching, pain, and blistering. Respiratory sensitization symptoms may include wheezing, difficulty in breathing, chest tightness, coughing and shortness of breath. In some cases, respiratory sensitization can produce a severe asthma attack.

As the allergy develops, the reaction can become worse with each exposure. Eventually, even a short exposure to a low concentration of the pesticide can cause a very severe reaction. Although it is rare, it is important to be aware that pesticides may have the ability to cause life threatening allergic reactions in some people.

Information is found on a pesticide label:

Important information is found on the labels of pest control products, and includes:

Symbols and signal words mean:

The symbols and signal words on the pesticide label give you some quick information about the acute toxicity of the product. See Table 2 for the different types of hazard symbols

Work safely with pesticides:

The importance of working safely with or near pesticides cannot be over emphasized. Always read the label and follow the directions. Always follow all of the safety instructions. Many incidents occur when pesticides are being mixed or prepared for use.


  • Use the right pesticide for the job. Make sure the label lists the pest you wish to control.
  • Select the least hazardous pesticide that will still be effective.
  • Always wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) as recommended on the label, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or product fact sheet. PPE may include coveralls, long pants, long sleeved shirts, gloves, boots, goggles, face shield, hat, and/or a respirator.
  • Always read the label. Keep the label “intact” and make sure it is readable.
  • Keep the pesticide in its original container. If you must pour the pesticide in a new container, clearly label any new container holding the pesticide. Do not transfer pesticides to cups, bowls or any other container that may be confused with containers for drinking or eating.
  • Clean up spills immediately and dispose of the waste according to directions on the label.
  • Dispose of empty containers according to directions on the label.


  • Do not use products for uses other than what they are intended for.
  • Do not use more pesticide than is recommended (twice the product will not have more effect).
  • Never burn pesticides or pour them down a drain.

When mixing pesticides?


  • Be sure there is good ventilation and lighting in the area where you are mixing the pesticide.
  • Always mix the pesticide at the recommended rate and amounts. Do not “guess” with the measurements.
  • Calculate how much product you will need ahead of time so you don’t make too much. Apply the minimum amount of pesticide that is effective.
  • Keep the container below your eye level to help avoid splashing or spilling the pesticide into your eyes and face.
  • Many spray pesticides are flammable. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully.
  • Have a knife or scissors that are used ONLY for opening pesticide bags.


  • Do not create dusts or splashes when opening a container or pouring liquids. Do not tear bags open.
  • Do not use the same knife or scissors to open the bags that you use with food.

When applying pesticides:


  • Keep equipment in good working order. For example: do not use sprayers with leaking hoses or loose connections.
  • Post signs in areas where pesticides are going to be applied, and when re-entry is recommended.
  • Schedule applications when other workers are least likely to be exposed – after hours or when people are not present – at the end of the day, or weekends.
  • Always apply the pesticide at the recommended time and under favourable weather conditions. Never spray on a very windy day, and make sure the spray blows away from you or anyone else.
  • Minimize drift by reducing the distance between the nozzle and the target area. Use the type of nozzle that gives the largest but still effective droplet size.
  • Provide temporary extra ventilation, where necessary, to remove pesticide vapour or aerosol when spraying indoors.
  • After applying, keep away until the pesticide has dried or until the “re-entry” time indicated on the label as passed.
  • Always follow the recommended waiting time between pesticide application and the harvest (picking or eating) of fruits or vegetables.
  • Clearly label treated surfaces where pesticide residues may remain.
  • After spraying, all surfaces that may contact food must be washed and rinsed with water before re-use.


  • Do not use your mouth to siphon liquids from containers or to blow out clogged lines, nozzles, etc.
  • Do not mix, spray, or dust “into” the wind.
  • Be careful when working or spraying near other people, livestock, other crops or when near streams, ponds, lakes and other bodies of water. Pesticides can easily run off or drift into other areas.
  • Do not spray near other people, pets/animals, children’s toys, food, dining dishes, etc.
  • Never place rodent or insect baits and traps where children or pets can reach them.

Pesticide spills:

  • Isolate the spill area and ventilate if indoors.
  • Wear the correct personal protective equipment – unauthorized people and those without protection should be kept out of the spill area.
  • Use an absorptive material for liquid spills such as activated charcoal, or vermiculite.
  • After a spill has been absorbed, the contaminated area should be scrubbed with a bleach/ detergent mixture at least two times.
  • For specific clean up and disposal information, read the MSDS. Contact the pesticide manufacturer if you need more information.

Organic Peroxide


An organic peroxide is any organic (carbon-containing) compound having two oxygen atoms joined together (-O-O-). This chemical group is called a “peroxy” group. Organic peroxides can be severe fire and explosion hazards. This question-and-answer document summarizes these and other hazards; another document provides information on how to work safely with organic peroxides.

The plastics and rubber industries are the heaviest users of organic peroxides. Organic peroxides and mixtures containing an organic peroxide are used as accelerators, activators, catalysts, cross-linking agents, curing agents, hardeners, initiators and promoters. Organic peroxides and mixtures containing an organic peroxide are often referred to by these terms. However, using terms like accelerator, activator, etc. to mean “organic peroxide” can be misleading since they can also refer to materials that do not contain organic peroxides. This can cause confusion and a serious accident could result if these substances were mixed with organic peroxides.

Organic peroxides are available as solids (usually fine powders), liquids or pastes. Some materials, such as water, odourless mineral spirits, and some phthalate esters do not react with organic peroxides and are often used to dilute them. The diluted mixtures or formulations are less likely to explode when exposed to heat or physical shock than the undiluted organic peroxide. Dilution makes the unstable peroxides safer to produce, handle, and use. We use the term “organic peroxide” to refer to both undiluted and diluted organic peroxides, unless otherwise specified. Check the supplier labels on chemical product containers.

The Canadian WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) 1988 classifies organic peroxides as oxidizing materials. WHMIS 1988 also classifies many other materials that are not organic peroxides as oxidizing materials. Other hazard symbols may also be present, depending on the particular material.

It is wise to treat any unknown material as very hazardous until it is positively identified.

How are organic peroxides hazardous:

The main hazard related to organic peroxides are their fire and explosion hazards. Organic peroxides may also be toxic or corrosive. Depending on the material, route of exposure (inhalation, eye or skin contact, or swallowing) and dose or amount of exposure, they could harm the body. Corrosive organic peroxides can also attack and destroy metals.

It is the double oxygen of the “peroxy” group that makes organic peroxides both useful and hazardous. The peroxy group is chemically unstable. It can easily decompose, giving off heat at a rate that increases as the temperature rises. Many organic peroxides give off flammable vapours when they decompose. These vapours can easily catch fire.

Most undiluted organic peroxides can catch fire easily and burn very rapidly and intensely. This is because they combine both fuel (carbon) and oxygen in the same compound. Some organic peroxides are dangerously reactive. They can decompose very rapidly or explosively if they are exposed to only slight heat, friction, mechanical shock or contamination with incompatible materials.

Organic peroxides can also be strong oxidizing agents. Combustible materials contaminated with most organic peroxides can catch fire very easily and burn very intensely (i.e., deflagrate). This means that the burn rate is very fast: it can vary from 1 m/sec to hundreds of metres per second. Also the combustion rate increases as the pressure increases and the combustion (or reaction) zone can travel through air or a gaseous medium faster than the speed of sound. However, the speed of combustion in a solid medium does not exceed the speed of sound.

This is one characteristic that distinguishes deflagration from detonation. We mention these two terms because they are used in classifying organic peroxide formulations (see next question). Deflagrations and detonations are similar chemical reactions except that in detonations the burn rate in a solid medium is faster than the speed of sound. This supersonic speed results in a shock wave being produced. They can transmit the shock wave at speeds of about 2,000 to 9,000 m/sec and is not dependent on the surrounding pressure. This is another difference between detonation and deflagration: deflagration rates increase as the pressure becomes greater.

Explosive decomposition is a rapid chemical reaction resulting in almost instantaneous release of energy. This term includes both deflagration and detonation.

Organic peroxides may also have a self accelerating decomposition temperature (SADT). SADT represents the lowest temperature in which that particular organic peroxide formulation in its commercial packaging will undergo self-accelerating decomposition (begin the chemical process that leads to explosion). The SADT value will vary with each organic peroxide formulation and the size and shape of its packaging. Storage requirements will generally be 10 to 20 degrees below the SADT.

Is it important to have an MSDS for organic peroxides:

The MSDSs and the container labels should explain all of the hazards of the organic peroxides with which you work. For example, the MSDS should describe the conditions that cause an organic peroxide formulation to undergo dangerous chemical reactions and cause explosions. They also should state if there are any special storage requirements. Some should be stored in a refrigerator to reduce the possibility of fire and the refrigerator should meet the electrical code requirements for the products being stored (e.g., should be “explosion-proof”). The MSDS should say if there is a minimum temperature under which the product should not be stored. If the temperature is too low, crystals of the peroxide may form. These crystals could be an explosion hazard since they can be very sensitive to shock.

Example of an organic peroxide:

An example of an organic peroxide is methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (also known as 2-butanone peroxide, ethyl methyl ketone peroxide, or MEKP). It is used as a polymerization catalyst in the manufacture of polyester and acrylic resins and as a hardening agent for fiberglass reinforced plastics. It is a colorless liquid with a characteristic odour. It is considered a combustible liquid and vapour. There is an extreme risk of an explosion from exposure to shock, friction, flame, or other sources of ignition. It is dangerously reactive and may decompose violently. Contact with water or moist air liberates irritating gases. Contents may develop pressure if exposed to water. It is also very toxic. It may be fatal if inhaled, absorbed through the skin or swallowed and it is corrosive to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. It may cause lung injury although the effects may be delayed.

Organic peroxides form spontaneously:

  • Yes, some chemicals can form explosive peroxides when they are stored (e.g., isopropyl ether, vinylidene chloride). Exposure to light and heat can increase the rate of peroxide formation. Others form peroxides that become hazardous when concentrated (e.g., by distillation). Some examples include ethyl ether, tetrahydrofuran (THF), p-dioxane, some secondary alcohols like 2-propanol and 2-butanol, and some unsaturated hydrocarbons like propyne (an acetylene compound), cyclohexene, and tetra-and deca-hydronaphthalenes.
  • Another kind of peroxide-forming compound are unsaturated monomers that, in the presence of a peroxide, can polymerize exothermically (i.e., produces heat when it reacts). For example, uninhibited styrene can form a peroxide that can cause the styrene to polymerize. It can occur explosively under certain conditions. Other examples of some unsaturated monomeric compounds are acrylic acid, acrylonitrile, butadiene, methyl methacrylate, and vinyl chloride.
  • To generalize, the kinds of chemicals that can form peroxides include aldehydes, ethers, and numerous unsaturated hydrocarbon compounds (i.e. hydrocarbon compounds having double or triple bonds). Examples in this group include allyl compounds, haloalkenes, dienes, monomeric vinyl compounds, vinylacetylenes, unsaturated cyclic hydrocarbons like tetrahydronaphthalene or dicyclopentadiene.
  • This is not a comprehensive list. The intention of mentioning these examples is to point out the importance of learning about the hazards of the chemicals you handle by reading the MSDSs and any relevant safety bulletins that the chemical producers provide. They should recommend how frequently they should be tested for the presence of peroxides (e.g., once every 3 months for diisopropyl ether or vinylidene chloride; once every 12 months for ethyl ether). Follow their directions regarding the safe disposal or repurifications procedures (if recommended).
  • So if, for example, you see crystals inside a bottle of a “pure” ether, suspect the presence of an ether peroxide. Do not handle the container. Do call your emergency response group. They should contact the local bomb squad after assessing the situation. Ether peroxides, like other peroxides, are very sensitive to shock and could explode if handled improperly – just like a bomb.

Classification system used for organic peroxides by the US National Fire Protection Association:

The U.S. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has developed a hazard classification system for typical organic peroxide formulations. The NFPA classification system describes the fire and explosion hazards of these formulations in their normal shipping and storage containers that have been approved by the Transport Canada or the U.S. Department of Transport (DOT).

If a formulation is transferred to a different container, the given hazard classification may no longer apply. See the NFPA 432 “Code for the Storage of Organic Peroxide Formulations” (2002) for details. In general:

  • Class I formulations are capable of deflagration but not detonation.
  • Class II formulations burn very rapidly and are a severe reactivity hazard.
  • Class III formulations burn rapidly and have a moderate reactivity hazard.
  • Class IV formulations burn in the same manner as ordinary combustibles and have a minimal reactivity hazard.
  • Class V formulations burn with less intensity than ordinary combustibles or they do not support combustion and present no reactivity hazard.

Storing organic peroxide:

  • Before storing, inspect all incoming containers to ensure that they are undamaged and properly labelled. Do not accept delivery of defective containers.
  • Store organic peroxides in the containers that the chemical supplier recommends. Normally, these are the same containers in which the material was shipped. Repackaging can be very dangerous, especially when using contaminated or incompatible containers.
  • Make sure containers are suitably labelled. For organic peroxides requiring temperature control, the recommended storage temperature range should be plainly marked on the container. It is also a good practice to mark the date that the container was received and the date it was first opened. Store according to self accelerating decomposition requirements (SADT) as well.
  • Protect containers against impact or other physical damage, when storing, transferring or using them. Do not use combustible pallets, such as wood, for storing organic peroxide containers.
  • Normally, keep containers tightly closed to avoid contamination in storage except when the supplier’s instructions state otherwise.
  • Storing open or partly open containers of peroxides diluted with solvents, including water, can lead to evaporation of the solvent. This can expose the more hazardous dry peroxide.
  • Some liquid organic peroxides, however, such as methyl ethyl ketone peroxide, gradually decompose giving off gas. These peroxides are shipped in containers with specially vented caps. Use no other type of cap for containers of these organic peroxides. The vent caps relieve the normal buildup of gas pressure that could shatter an unvented container. Check vent caps regularly to ensure that they are working properly. Keep vented containers in an upright position. NEVER stack vented containers on top of each other.

Aware of in the organic peroxide storage area:

Store organic peroxides separately, away from processing and handling areas. Keep them away from incompatible materials such as strong acids and bases, other oxidizing materials, flammable or combustible liquids and materials that can be oxidized (often called reducing materials or agents). Separate storage can reduce personal injury and damage caused in case of fires, spills or leaks.

Check the reactivity data and storage requirements sections of the MSDS for details about what materials are incompatible with a specific organic peroxide.

Construct walls, floors, shelving and fittings in storage areas from noncombustible materials that are compatible with the organic peroxides.

Ensure that floors are resistant to penetration by the organic peroxides in storage. Floors should have no cracks in which chemicals could lodge if spilled.

Since liquid organic peroxides flow easily, provide dikes around large liquid storage areas and sills or ramps at door openings. Store smaller amounts in trays made from compatible materials to contain spills or leaks.

Store containers at a convenient height for handling, below eye level if possible, to reduce the risk of dropping them. Avoid overcrowding in storage areas. Do not store containers in out-of-the-way locations where they could be forgotten.

Store containers away from doors. Although it is convenient to place frequently used materials next to the door, they could cut off the escape route if an emergency occurs.

Store organic peroxides in areas which are:

  • Well ventilated.
  • Out of direct sunlight and away from steam pipes, boilers or other heat sources.
  • At temperature as recommended by manufacturer/supplier. Always keep the storage area within the recommended temperature range.
  • Supplied with adequate firefighting equipment, including sprinklers.
  • Supplied with suitable spill clean-up equipment and materials.
  • Free of ignition sources such as open flames, hot surfaces, burning tobacco and spark-producing tools and devices.
  • Accessible at all times.
  • Labelled with suitable warning signs.

At all times:

  • Allow only trained, authorized people into storage areas.
  • Keep the amount of organic peroxides in storage as small as possible.
  • Inspect storage areas regularly for any deficiencies including damaged or leaking containers and poor housekeeping.
  • Correct all deficiencies as soon as possible.

Dispensing or transferring organic peroxides:

  • Open and dispense containers of organic peroxides in a special room or area outside the storage area. Do not allow any ignition sources in the vicinity. Take care that the organic peroxides do not contact combustible or other incompatible materials when they are dispensed.
  • Use containers and dispensing equipment such as drum pumps, scoops or spatulas that the chemical supplier recommends. These items must be made from non-sparking materials compatible with the peroxides used. Keep them very clean to avoid contamination.
  • When transferring organic peroxides from one container to another, avoid spilling or contaminating your skin or clothing. Spills from open, unstable or breakable containers during material transfer have caused serious accidents.
  • Never transfer liquids by pressurizing their usual shipping containers with air or inert gas. The pressure may damage ordinary drums and barrels. Moreover, if air is used, it may create a flammable atmosphere inside the container.
  • Glass containers with screw-cap lids or glass stoppers may not be acceptable for some organic peroxides, especially those sensitive to friction and grinding. Never transfer materials stored in a vented container into a tightly sealed, non-vented container. The buildup of gas pressure could rupture it. Dispense from only one container at a time. Finish all the dispensing of one material before starting to dispense another. Dispense the smallest amount possible, preferably only enough for immediate use. Keep containers closed after dispensing to reduce the risk of contaminating their contents.
  • Never return unused material, even if it does not seem to be contaminated, to the original container.
  • If a water-based formulation freezes, do not chip or grind it to break up lumps of material, or heat it to thaw it out. Follow the chemical supplier’s advice.
  • Avoid dropping, sliding or skidding heavy metal containers such as drums or barrels of friction- or shock-sensitive material.

Handling organic peroxides:

Make sure that all areas where organic peroxides are used are clean and free of combustible and other incompatible materials and any ignition sources. Temperatures in peroxide use areas should be controlled so as to not become high enough to cause rapid decomposition.

Processing Equipment:

Ensure that processing equipment is clean, properly designed and made from materials compatible with the organic peroxide being used. Find out from the chemical supplier what materials are suitable for the specific peroxide. Copper, brass or lead equipment is dangerous in contact with some organic peroxides at higher temperatures. Some steels and aluminum alloys, zinc and galvanized metal can also cause rapid decomposition of certain organic peroxides.

Diluting Organic Peroxides

Some jobs require diluting organic peroxides prior to use. Do this strictly according to the chemical supplier’s advice. Using the wrong solvent or a contaminated solvent could cause an explosion. For example, methyl ethyl ketone peroxide and cyclohexanone peroxide may explode if they are mixed with acetone, a common solvent. Using reclaimed solvents of uncertain composition can also be hazardous. They may contain dangerous concentrations of contaminants that are incompatible with the organic peroxide.

Hazardous Operations:

Some operations involving organic peroxides can be especially hazardous. Accidents have occurred during distillation, extraction or crystallization, because these processes concentrated the organic peroxides. Filtering friction- or shock-sensitive chemicals with materials and devices that produce heat, such as sintered glass filters, can be hazardous.

Before using a new material in an operation, find out as much as possible about the potential hazards of the particular peroxide and operation.

Using Organic Peroxides with Resins:

Organic peroxides are often used as catalysts to activate resins in plastics production. Never mix organic peroxides directly with any accelerators or promoters. A violent explosion may result. Thoroughly mix the accelerator or promoter in the resin mixture before adding the organic peroxide.

It is dangerous to dissolve peroxides in very small amounts of monomer (such as styrene) before adding them to the resin mixture. These “small quantity” mixtures can undergo rapid polymerization giving off a lot of heat. This may result in a fire.

Regular workplace inspections can help to spot situations in which organic peroxides are stored, handled or used in potentially hazardous ways.

Handle emergencies:

Act fast in emergencies like chemical fires, spills and leaks.

  • Evacuate the area at once if you are not trained to handle the problem or if it is clearly beyond your control.
  • Alert other people in the area to the emergency.
  • Call the fire department immediately.
  • Report the problem to the people responsible for handling emergencies where you work.
  • Obtain first aid if you have been exposed to harmful chemicals and remove all contaminated clothes.

Check that emergency eyewash stations and safety showers are available wherever accidental exposure to organic peroxides that can damage skin or eyes might occur.

Only specially trained and properly equipped people should handle emergencies. Nobody else should go near the area until it is declared safe.

Planning, training and practicing for emergencies help people to know what they must do. Prepare a written emergency plan. Update it whenever conditions in the workplace change.

The MSDSs for the materials used are a starting point for drawing up an emergency plan. MSDSs have specific sections on spill clean-up procedures, first aid instructions, and fire and explosion hazards including suitable fire extinguishing equipment and methods. If the directions in each MSDS section are unclear or seem incomplete, contact the material’s supplier for help.

It is very important to know the best ways to fight fires involving organic peroxides. The “built-in” supply of oxidizing gas in organic peroxides makes extinguishing methods based on smothering ineffective (for example, foam or carbon dioxide). Often, cooling with large amounts of water is the only suitable method.

Basic safe practices concerning organic peroxides:

Following these basic safe practices will help protect you from the hazards of organic peroxides:

  • Read the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for all of the materials used in your work.
  • Know all of the hazards (fire/explosion, health, corrosive, chemical reactivity) of the materials used in your work.
  • Know which of the materials you work with are organic peroxides.
  • Always follow safe work practices for temperature, avoiding contamination, storage, and quantity (of use).
  • Store organic peroxides in suitable, labelled containers (usually their shipping containers).
  • Follow the chemical supplier’s advice about maximum and minimum storage and use temperatures.
  • Know the SADT “danger temperature” and what to do if the organic peroxide is reaching this temperature.
  • Inspect containers for damage or leaks before handling them.
  • Store, handle and use organic peroxides in well-ventilated areas and away from incompatible materials.
  • Eliminate ignition sources (sparks, smoking, flames, hot surfaces) when working with organic peroxides.
  • Handle containers safely to avoid damaging them.
  • Keep containers closed when not in use.
  • Keep only the smallest amounts possible (not more than one day’s supply) in the work area.
  • Dispense organic peroxides carefully, using compatible equipment, into acceptable containers.
  • Do not grind or subject organic peroxides to any type of friction or impact.
  • Be careful when performing operations such as distillations or separations that concentrate organic peroxides.
  • Never return unused or contaminated organic peroxides to their original containers.
  • Return unopened containers to the proper storage area and opened containers to a dispensing or premixing area at the end of the day.
  • Practice good housekeeping, personal cleanliness and equipment maintenance.
  • Handle and dispose of organic peroxide wastes safely.
  • Wear the proper personal protective equipment for each of the jobs you do.
  • Know how to handle emergencies (fires, spills, personal injury) involving the organic peroxides you work with. Have trained personnel and planned emergency procedures specific to organic peroxides.
  • Follow the health and safety rules that apply to your job.

Click the below link to download the Organic Peroxide guidelines



Hydrogen Sulfide(H2S)


Hydrogen Sulfide or sour gas (H2S) is a flammable, colorless gas that is toxic at extremely low concentrations. It is heavier than air, and may accumulate in low-lying areas. It smells like “rotten eggs” at low concentrations and causes you to quickly lose your sense of smell. Many areas where the gas is found have been identified, but pockets of the gas can occur anywhere.

Iron sulfide is a byproduct of many production operations and may spontaneously combustion with air. Flaring operations associated with H2S production will generate Sulfur Dioxide (S02), another toxic gas.

Active monitoring for hydrogen sulfide gas and good planning and training programs for workers are the best ways to prevent injury and death.

Hazards of hydrogen sulfide:

Hydrogen Sulfide gas is very corrosive and causes metals to become brittle. Therefore, employers need to take special precautions when choosing equipment when they may reasonably expect to encounter H2S. This may include appropriate H2S trimming of equipment in accordance with National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Standards.

All well-drilling sites should be classified according to areas of potential and/or actual exposure to H2S. The recommendations and employee instruction will vary depending on the type of area. The four hazard levels are:

  • No Hazard Condition
  • API Condition I – Low Hazard
  • API Condition II – Medium Hazard
  • API Condition III – High Hazard

No Hazard Condition:

Any well that will not penetrate a known Hydrogen Sulfide formation would be categorized as a No Hazard Area. Special Hydrogen Sulfide equipment is not required.

Low Hazard:

Work locations where atmospheric concentrations of H2S are less than 10ppm.

Recommended for Area:

  • Hydrogen Sulfide warning sign with green flag warning device present.
  • Keep all safety equipment in adequate working order.
  • Store the equipment in accessible locations.

Medium Hazard:

Work locations where atmospheric concentrations of H2S are greater than10ppm and less than 30ppm.

Recommended for Area:

  • Legible Hydrogen Sulfide warning sign with yellow flag warning device present.
  • Keep a safe distance from dangerous locations if not working to decrease danger.
  • Pay attention to audible and visual alarm systems.
  • Follow the guidance of the operator representative.
  • Keep all safety equipment in adequate working order.
  • Store the equipment in accessible locations.
    • An oxygen resuscitator.
    • A properly calibrated, metered hydrogen sulfide detection instrument.

High Hazard:

Work locations where atmospheric concentrations of H2S are greater than 30ppm.

Recommended for Area:

  • Post legible Hydrogen Sulfide warning sign with red flag warning device.
  • Post signs 500 feet from the location on each road leading to the location, warning of the hydrogen sulfide hazard.
  • Check all Hydrogen Sulfide safety equipment to ensure readiness before each tour change.
  • Establish a means of communication or instruction for emergency procedures and maintain them on location, along with contact information of persons to be informed in case of emergencies.
  • Ensure usability of two exits at each location.
  • Do not permit employees on location without hydrogen Sulfide safety training. (Employees may be permitted on location for specific Hydrogen Sulfide training purposes that does not include general rig training.)
  • Pay attention to audible and visual alarm systems.
  • Store the equipment in accessible locations.
    • Two Hydrogen Sulfide detectors should be present (one should be a properly calibrated, metered detection instrument, and the other should be a pump type with detector tubes. The maximum permissible exposure limit (PEL) is 20 ppm. Respiratory protection would be required if periodic testing indicates employee exposures to H2S at concentrations above the PEL. ,
    • Oxygen resuscitator.
    • Three wind socks and streamers.
    • Two 30-minute, self-contained breathing apparatus for emergency escape from the contaminated area only.

Release of H2S:

All personnel working in an area where concentrations of Hydrogen Sulfide may exceed the 10 Parts Per Million (PPM) should be provided with training before beginning work assignments.

Potential Hazard:

  • H2S exposure greater than the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL).

Possible Solutions:

Implement an H2S contingency plan including, but not limited to:

  • Appropriate instruction in the use of hydrogen sulfide safety equipment to all personnel present at all hydrogen sulfide hazard areas.
  • Gas detection where hydrogen sulfide may exist.
  • Appropriate respiratory protection for normal and emergency use.

Metal Fatigue:

Metal fatigue, including hydrogen embrittlement or sulfide stress cracking, can result in a release of hydrogen sulfide gas.

Potential Hazard:

  • Being exposed to Hydrogen Sulfide.
  • Getting Injured due to equipment failure.

Possible Solutions:

  • Select materials in accordance with the criteria for H2S service.
  • Treat drilling fluids to chemically reduce corrosion failures.

Accumulation of H2S:

It is possible for hydrogen sulfide gas to accumulate in any low /enclosed area,such as a gas venting system, mud system, cellars, pits, and tanks.

Potential Hazard:

  • Being exposed to Hydrogen Sulfide.

Possible Solutions:

  • Provide adequate ventilation for the removal of any accumulation of H2S.
  • Implement effective confined space entry program.

Physical Properties and Physiological Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide:

Physical Data:

  • Chemical Name: Hydrogen Sulfide
  • CAS Number: 7783-06-4
  • Synonyms: Sulfured hydrogen, hydro sulfuric acid, dihydrogen sulfide
  • Chemical Family: Inorganic sulfide
  • Chemical Formula: H2S
  • Normal Physical State: Colorless gas, slightly heavier than air. Vapor density (specific gravity) at 59°F (15°C) and 1 atmosphere = 1.189.
  • Auto ignition Temperature: 500º F
  • Boiling Point: -76º F
  • Melting Point: -117.2º F
  • Flammable Limits: 4.3-46 percent vapor by volume in air
  • Solubility: Soluble in water and oil: solubility decreases as the fluid temperature increases
  • Combustibility: Burns with a blue flame to produce sulfur dioxide (SO2).
  • Odor and Warning Properties: Hydrogen sulfide has an extremely unpleasant odor, characteristic of rotten eggs, and is easily detected at low concentrations: however, due to rapid onset of olfactory fatigue and paralysis (inability to smell) ODOR SHALL NOT BE USED AS A WARNING MEASURE.

Exposure Limits:

The American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists recommends a Threshold Limit Value of 1 ppm and a short-term exposure (STEL) limit of 5 ppm averaged over 15 minutes. Exposure at the STEL should not be repeated more than four times per day with at least 60 minutes between successive exposures in this range.

Physiological Effects:

Inhalation at certain concentrations can lead to injury of death. The 300 ppm is considered by the ACGIH as Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health. Hydrogen sulfide is an extremely toxic, flammable gas that may be encountered in the production of gas well gas, high-sulfide, high sulfur content crude oil, crude oil fractions, associated gas, and waters. Since hydrogen sulfide is heavier than air, it can collect in low places. It is colorless and has a foul rotten egg odor. In low concentrations, H2S sometimes can be detectable by its characteristic odor; however, the smell cannot be relied upon to forewarn of dangerous concentrations (greater than 100ppm) of the gas because it rapidly paralyzes the sense of smell due to paralysis of the olfactory nerve. A longer exposure to the lower concentrations has a similar desensitizing effect on the sense of smell.

It should be well understood that the sense of smell will be rendered ineffective by hydrogen sulfide, which can result in an individual failing to recognize the presence of dangerously high concentrations. Exposure to hydrogen sulfide causes death by poisoning the respiratory system at the cellular level. Symptoms from repeated exposures to low concentrations usually disappear after not being exposed for a period of time. Repeated exposures to low concentrations that do not produce effects eventually may lead to irritation if the exposures are frequent.

Respiratory Protection:

Respiratory protection shall be worn above the action level. Refer to 6.6 for proper breathing equipment recommendations for oil and gas well drilling and servicing operations involving hydrogen sulfide.

handling and storage practices when working with hydrogen sulfide:


Before handling, it is important that all engineering controls are operating and that protective equipment requirements and personal hygiene measures are being followed. Only trained personnel should work with this product. Do NOT work alone with this product. In event of a spill or leak, immediately put on escape-type respirator and exit the area. Use non-sparking ventilation systems, approved explosion-proof equipment and intrinsically safe electrical systems. Electrically bond and ground equipment. Ground clips must contact bare metal. Eliminate heat and ignition sources such as sparks, open flames, hot surfaces and static discharge. Post “No Smoking” signs. Prevent accidental contact with incompatible chemicals. Use the pressure regulator appropriate for cylinder pressure and contents. Secure cylinder in an up-right position. Protect cylinders from damage. Use a suitable hand truck to move cylinders; do not drag, roll, slide, or drop.


Store in an area that is: cool, dry, temperature-controlled, well-ventilated, out of direct sunlight and away from heat and ignition sources, separate from incompatible materials, an approved, fire resistant area, clear of combustible and flammable materials (e.g. old rags, cardboard), on the ground floor or preferably, in an isolated, detached building. Electrically bond and ground containers. Ground clips must contact bare metal. Avoid bulk storage indoors. Empty containers may contain hazardous residue. Store separately. Keep closed.

Accidental release measures for hydrogen sulfide:

Personal Precautions:

Evacuate the area immediately. Isolate the hazard area. Keep out unnecessary and unprotected personnel. Evacuate downwind locations.

  • Do not touch damaged containers or spilled product unless wearing appropriate protective equipment.
  • Ventilate area. Eliminate all ignition sources.
  • Use grounded, explosion-proof equipment.
  • Distant ignition and flashback are possible.

Methods for Containment and Clean-up:

Liquid: stop or reduce leak if safe to do so. If not, allow liquid to vapourize. Ventilate the area to prevent the gas from accumulating, especially in confined spaces. Gas: stop or reduce leak if safe to do so. Ventilate the area to prevent the gas from accumulating, especially in confined spaces.

Potential health effects of hydrogen sulfide:

Main Routes of Exposure: Inhalation; eye contact.


VERY TOXIC, can cause death. Can cause severe irritation of the nose and throat. Can cause life threatening accumulation of fluid in the lungs (pulmonary edema). Can cause, excitement, headache, dizziness, staggering, sudden collapse (“knockdown”), unconsciousness, and death Long-term damage may result from a severe short-term exposure. Can harm the nervous system. Can cause lung injury. A single exposure to a high concentration can cause a long-lasting condition like asthma. If this occurs, many things like other chemicals or cold temperatures can easily irritate the airways. Symptoms may include shortness of breath, tightness in the chest and wheezing. {Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome (RADS)}.

Skin Contact:

Direct contact with the liquefied gas can chill or freeze the skin (frostbite).Symptoms of mild frostbite include numbness, prickling and itching. Symptoms of more severe frostbite include a burning sensation and stiffness. The skin may become waxy white or yellow. Blistering, tissue death and infection may develop in severe cases.

Eye Contact:

EYE IRRITANT. The gas irritates the eyes. Direct contact with the liquefied gas can freeze the eye. Permanent eye damage or blindness can result.


Not a relevant route of exposure (gas).

Effects of Long-Term (Chronic) Exposure:

Conclusions cannot be drawn from the limited studies available. May harm the nervous system. Symptoms may include restlessness, reduced ability to think, muscle tremors, memory loss and personality changes. May harm the respiratory system.

Carcinogenicity: Not known to cause cancer.

First aid measures for hydrogen sulfide:


Take precautions to prevent a fire (e.g. remove sources of ignition). Take precautions to ensure your own safety before attempting rescue (e.g. wear appropriate protective equipment). Move victim to fresh air. Keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. If breathing is difficult, trained personnel should administer emergency oxygen. DO NOT allow victim to move about unnecessarily. Symptoms of pulmonary edema may be delayed. If breathing has stopped, trained personnel should begin artificial respiration (AR). If the heart has stopped, trained personnel should start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or automated external defibrillation (AED). Avoid mouth to mouth contact by using mouth guards or shields. Immediately call a Poison Centre or doctor. Treatment is urgently required. Transport to a hospital.

NOTE: Victims may pose a threat to responders due to the release of hydrogen sulfide from their clothing, skin, and exhaled air.

Skin Contact:

Liquefied gas: quickly remove victim from source of contamination. DO NOT attempt to rewarm the affected area on site. DO NOT rub area or apply direct heat. Gently remove clothing or jewelry that may restrict circulation. Carefully cut around clothing that sticks to the skin and remove the rest of the garment. Loosely cover the affected area with a sterile dressing. DO NOT allow victim to drink alcohol or smoke. Immediately call a Poison Centre or doctor. Treatment is urgently required. Transport to a hospital. Double bag, seal, label and leave contaminated clothing, shoes and leather goods at the scene for safe disposal.

Eye Contact:

Gas: immediately flush the contaminated eye(s) with lukewarm, gently flowing water for 15-20 mint, while holding the eyelid(s) open. Liquefied gas: immediately and briefly flush with lukewarm, gently flowing water. DO NOT attempt to rewarm. Cover both eyes with a sterile dressing. DO NOT allow victim to drink alcohol or smoke. Immediately call a Poison Centre or doctor. Treatment is urgently required. Transport to a hospital.

Ingestion: Not applicable (gas).

First Aid Comments:

Some of the first aid procedures recommended here require advanced first aid training. All first aid procedures should be periodically reviewed by a doctor familiar with the chemical and its conditions of use in the workplace.

Spill and leak procedures:

Persons not wearing protective equipments and clothing should be restricted from areas of spill or leaks until cleanup has been completed.

If hydrogen sulfide i spilled or leaked, the folowing steps should be taken,

1. Remove all ignition sources.

2. Ventilate the area of spill or leak to disperse gas.

3. If in the gaseous form, stop flow of gas. If the source of leak is a cyliner and the leak can not be stopped in place, remove the leaking cylinder to a safe place in the open air, and repair the leak or allow the cylinder to empty.

4. If in the liquid form, allow to vaporize.

Engineering Controls:

Use a local exhaust ventilation and enclosure, if necessary, to control amount in the air. It may be necessary to use stringent control measures such as process enclosure to prevent product release into the workplace. Use non-sparking ventilation systems, approved explosion-proof equipment and intrinsically safe electrical systems in areas where this product is used and stored. Use a ventilation system separate from other exhaust ventilation systems. Filter the contaminated air before it is directly exhausted to the outside. Use leak and fire detection equipment and an automatic fire suppression system.

Safe Worksite Practices in H2S Facilities:

The Job HSE Plan shall include but not limited to:

  • Sequential analysis of the task execution and the potential hazards involved.
  • The potential sources of H2S under normal and upset conditions (planned and unplanned or emergency releases),
  • Events that might release H2S into the work area,
  • The maximum concentration of H2S in the process stream(s) and the maximum concentration that might result in the work area, in the event of accidental or anticipated releases,
  • System integrity, reliability, and safeguards, including monitoring and alarm systems,
  • The volume and H2S content of material that could be released,
  • Process and monitoring data, and the validity of such data, especially in light of any changes,
  • The activities involved in the planned work, their complexity, and duration, as well as any other relevant factors.

Comprehensive training should be provided for workers in H2S operations:

  • Identification of the characteristics, sources, and hazards of Hydrogen Sulfide.
  • Proper use of the Hydrogen Sulfide detection methods used on the site.
  • Recognition of, and proper response to, Hydrogen Sulfide warnings at the workplace.
  • Symptoms of Hydrogen Sulfide exposure.
  • Proper rescue techniques and first-aid procedures to be used in a Hydrogen Sulfide exposure.
  • Proper use and maintenance of personal protective equipment. Demonstrated proficiency in using PPE should be required.
  • Worker awareness and understanding of workplace practices and maintenance procedures to protect personnel from exposure to hydrogen sulfide.
  • Wind direction awareness and routes of egress.
  • Confined space and enclosed facility entry procedures.
  • Locations and use of safety equipment.
  • Locations of safe briefing areas.
  • Use and operation of all Hydrogen Sulfide monitoring systems.
  • Emergency response procedures, corrective action, and shutdown procedures.
  • Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide on the components of the Hydrogen Sulfide handling system.
  • The importance of drilling fluid treating plans prior to encountering Hydrogen Sulfide

Click the below link to download hydrogen sulfide guidelines documents






Hydrogen sulfide priniciples

H2S A matter of life or death

Chemical Safety

Chemical Safety

What are chemical substances:

A chemical substance is a material with a specific chemical composition. Water is an example of a chemical substance – it always has the same number of hydrogen and oxygen (e.g. H2O). Some everyday chemicals include cleaning materials, cosmetics, plastics, paint, dyestuffs, sugar, solvents, etc. A chemical substance can exist as a solid, liquid or gas and still be the same substance. For example, water and steam are different forms of the same substance.

Form of chemicals:

Chemicals are present in every workplace. Even in the cleanest, most modern office, employees may be routinely exposed to inks, toners and adhesives not to mention a wide range of chemicals used in cleaning and maintenance.

Chemicals can exist in many forms:

  • Dust, fumes, fibres, powders.
  • Liquids.
  • Gases, vapours, mists.

Any chemical, in either gas, liquid or solid form, that has the potential to cause harm is referred to asa hazardous or dangerous chemical. Such chemicals include those:

  • Brought directly into the workplace and handled, stored and used for processing e.g. solvents, cleaning agents, glues, resins, paints.
  • Generated by a process or work activity e.g. fumes from welding/ soldering, dust from machining of wood, flour dust, solvents.
  • Generated as waste or residue e.g. fumes from soldering iron, carbon monoxide from engine or motor exhausts.

Chemicals be hazardous to health:

Chemicals can cause many different types of harm, ranging from mild skin irritation to cancer. The effects of hazardous chemicals may be seen:

  1. Chronic :Immediately after contact (e.g. chemical burn) or many years after the exposure (e.g. lung cancer following exposure to asbestos).
  2. Acute :Following a single short exposure (e.g. infrequent use of a chemical) or longer-term exposures (e.g. daily use of a chemical in the workplace).
  3. Algergy :The effect is exerted through the immune system (multiple initial doses result in sensitization with the accumulation of antibodies; subsequent low-level exposure triggers a response; pronounced individual susceptibility) e.g. respiratory and skin sensitizes (chrome, nickel, platinum salts).

Therefore, it is important to minimise exposure to chemicals at all times. In order for a chemical to be hazardous to a person’s health, it must either be in contact with or enter the body.

Risk from chemical exposure:

If the chemicals that are used in your workplace are not properly controlled, then it is possible you are being exposed to them.Whether this exposure causes you any harm depends on a combination of factors:

  • how hazardous the chemical is;
  • how long you are exposed to the chemical (e.g. 5 minutes, 3 hours);
  • how often you are exposed (e.g. twice a week/month)

Here are some examples of how chemicals can affect the body.

Effects on brain and nervous system For example, exposure to pesticides, mercury, lead, solvents, carbon monoxide gas.

Eye, nose and throat irritation (dryness, soreness or pain) For example, exposure to acid mists and vapours, welding fumes or diesel exhaust.

Effects on the lung Lung damage For example asbestos (lung cancer), welding fume (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Irritant induced asthma For example acids (“burn effect” on airways).

Allergic asthma For example flour dust,isocyanate (in 2-pack paints), wood dust

Liver damage For example, exposure to vinyl chloride.

Bladder damage For example, exposure to some azo dyes (bladder cancer).

Effects on skin
Allergic contact dermatitis For example nickel, latex, chromate (found in some cements).

Irritant contact dermatitis For example solvents, detergents, oils, lubricants.

Effects on blood and bone marrow For example, exposure to benzene in petrol fumes (anemia and leukaemia).

chemicals effect the body:

You have seen how chemicals effect the body. There are four ways chemicals can enter the body:


Breathing in contaminated air is the most common way that workplace chemicals enterthe body.

Contact with the skin or eyes:

Some chemicals can damage the skin or eyes (e.g. irritation) or pass through the skin into the body.


Workplace chemicals may be swallowed accidentally if food or hands are contaminated.


Injection can occur when a sharp object (e.g. needle) punctures the skin and injects a chemical directly into the bloodstream.

Health effects of exposure to chemicals:

Term                                                         What this means to you

Remember, if you are in control of your workplace or have specific responsibilities for managing safety, then you need to ensure that you are controlling all hazards, in whatever form that chemical may exist in the workplace.

How to find information about chemical hazards:

The most important sources of information on the hazards of your chemicals are the label and the safety data sheet (SDS).


Chemicals should be supplied with a label attached to the container. The label gives information on the chemical or product name, the chemical hazards and the precautions you should take into account to ensure safe use.

Safety Data Sheets:

You must have a SDS for each hazardous chemical that you use. If you don’t, contact the supplier, who is required to give you one. You should keep your SDSs in a clearly identified place where they can be easily accessed by your employees and by emergency services – they will require these sheets when they attend a chemical incident.You should make sure all your employees know where the SDSs are stored and that they have read and understood them, if required.

Safety data sheets must:

  • Be provided for chemicals classified as hazardous.
  • Contain 16 headings.
  • Be prepared by a competent person.
  • Be specific to the chemical.
  • Be clear and understandable.
  • Be provided free of charge.
  • Be provided no later than at the time of first delivery.
  • Be provided upon update or revision to everyone who has received the chemical during
    the previous 12 months.
  • Be dated and the pages numbered.


The SDS plays a number of roles in managing the safe use of chemicals in your workplace:

  • It ensures the product is being used as intended by the manufacturer or importer.
  • It is a key tool for risk assessment as it includes detailed hazard information.
  • It provides options for appropriate controls measures and procedures to be applied.
  • Sufficient information should be provided to select the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and to develop necessary emergency procedures.
  • It may be used as the basis of a training program for workers as it covers hazards, information on safe handling and storage and emergency procedures.
  • Workplace monitoring and health surveillance strategies may often be based on advice contained in the SDS.

This guide will explain which sections of the SDS you should refer to for information on the identity of your chemicals and their hazards, in addition to advice on control measures, safe storage and emergency measures to be followed in case of an accident.

Identified your chemical hazards?

The label and SDS are the most important sources of information about the hazardous properties of your chemicals, so it is important that you have an up to date SDS for each chemical and that the label attached to the chemical container is visible.

Hazard pictograms – what do they mean?

Until 2015, you will see either hazard symbols or new hazard pictograms on SDSs and labels. The nine pictograms according to the new CLP* Regulation are presented below, along with the existing hazard symbols which you might be familiar with. An example of the type of hazards associated with each are shown below.

You can use the Chemical Inventory template at the back of this toolkit to record all the chemicals you identify and their hazards.

Assessed the exposure to the chemical:

Once you have identified your chemicals and their hazards, you then need to assess what the potential exposure to the chemical is.

An exposure assessment involves looking at each chemical which you have identified and considering the following questions:

Assessed the risk of your chemicals:

Once you have identified your chemical hazards and considered the exposure to them, you then need to assess the risk for each.

Assessing the risk involves:

  1. Evaluating the information on the hazards and uses (potential exposure) of the chemical.
  2. Considering the likelihood of being exposed to a hazard and the severity of that hazard, which may lead to an adverse effect on health or safety.

You can assess the risk in lots of ways; you just need to decide a scale. Here is an example of a
possible scale:

How likely is it that an exposure leading to ill-health could happen?

  • High: Exposure to the chemical is likely. For example, very frequent use or use of largequantities   where the possibility of exposure to skin or breathing chemical fumes is expected (e.g. cleaning up spills, welding activities with no ventilation control).
  • Low: Exposure to the chemical is unlikely. For example, very small amounts used or is used infrequently and under conditions where there is little or no chance of contact (e.g. chemical is used in a closed/contained system).

How severe is the hazard?

  • High:For example, serious, irreversible or potentially fatal health effects (carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, reproductive toxicity, respiratory sensitization) or serious physical chemical effects (explosion).
  • Medium:For example, less serious, potentially irreversible, non-fatal health effects (e.g. skin sensitization, corrosive to skin or eye); physical chemical effects (e.g. flammable) or environmental effects (e.g. hazardous to aquatic environment).
  • Low: Slight/transient, reversible, non-fatal health effects (e.g. irritating to skin or eyes).

There are no definitive rules as to what constitutes a high, medium or low risk. As a general rule:

Suitable control measures:

Once you have assessed the risk associated with the use of your chemicals, you then need to decide. what control measures are required to keep you, your employees and your workplace safe.

At this stage you should also consider any current control measures that are in place, such as:

  • Type of engineering controls e.g. enclosures and ventilation – are they effective and maintained regularly?
  • Current work practices or procedures.
  • Personal protective and safety equipment.
  • Training provided to employees.
  • Hygiene arrangements e.g. separate meal and wash facilities.
  • Storage arrangements.
  • Level of housekeeping.
  • Disposal of waste.
  • Emergency procedures e.g. eyewash, emergency shower.

You need to decide your control strategy for each of your chemicals. The level of control that needs to be put in place depends on the level of risk of exposure.

1. Eliminate the hazardous chemical

Remove hazardous chemicals from the process or task.

  • If you are not using a hazardous chemical, then there is no risk! Eliminating the hazardous chemical is the best way to control the risk. Consider whether you really need to use a chemical at all. For example, in recent years paint manufacturers have been able to eliminate hazardous solvents such as xylene.
  • You could also consider whether it is possible to use a different process which does not need a hazardous chemical.

2. Substitute with a less hazardous chemical

  • Replace a hazardous chemical with a less hazardous one.
  • It may be possible to replace your hazardous chemical with a less hazardous one. For example, you could replace isocyanate based paints for water based paints. You could also use a less hazardous form of the same chemical. For example, using a pellet rather than a powder form of the chemical .could have a significant effect on reducing inhalable dust levels.
  • It is important that you consider the hazards and potential exposure associated with the replacement chemical to ensure that no new hazard is introduced to the workplace.

3. Install engineering controls

An engineering control is where some piece of equipment is installed to prevent or reduce exposure.

Engineering controls aim to separate your employees from the chemical hazard by placing a physical barrier between them and the chemical.

Examples of such controls include:

  • Carrying out your process in closed containers which are vented to a safe place.
  • Using local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the source of the hazard.
  • Using isolation/containment hoods or booths.

A spray booth used in spray painting or a local exhaust system to remove welding fumes is an example of an engineering control.

The correct design and installation of engineering controls which are suitable for your specific use is crucial if it is to give you adequate control. Therefore, you may need to obtain expert advice if you need to install engineering controls.

Administrative controls in place:

Use of management and administrative procedures to reduce or eliminate exposure.

Look how the work is done and consider how employees are exposed to the chemical. Think about how the job could be done differently to avoid exposures.

Where it is not possible to eliminate or isolate the chemical hazard, you should minimize exposure to it. This can be achieved by introducing procedures in your workplace to:

  • Minimise the number of employees who might be involved in a task. For example implementing job rotation.
  • Exclude other employees not involved in the task from the area where the chemical is being used.
  • Provide training to your employees on the hazards and safe use of the chemicals they work with.
  • Ensure chemicals with hazardous properties are correctly stored.
  • Ensure emergency procedures are in place in the event of an accident e.g. spillage.


Training needs to be well planned so that you and your employees get maximum benefit from it. It is crucial that on completion of the training your employees fully understand:

  • What the chemical hazards are.
  • What the potential risks to their health could be.
  • What controls are in place to protect health and safety.
  • How to use, handle, move and store the chemicals in a safe manner, including proper use of equipment (e.g. engineering controls, PPE).
  • How to safely clean up spills.
  • How to report a problem and who to report it to.
  • What to do in an emergency.

Safe Storage of Chemicals:

Hazardous chemicals should be stored under appropriate conditions, taking into account the chemicals’ specific properties. Instructions on safe storage of chemicals can be found in Section 7 of the SDS.

It is also important to note if there are conditions under which hazardous reactions may occur. For example, chemicals that can react together to form unstable or toxic products, or produce heat, should be kept segregated. Flammable liquids stored near a heat source could result in a fire.
Section 10 of the SDS gives advice on such conditions that you should take into account when storing your chemicals.

Chemicals known to be carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction should be kept under strict control.

Chemicals with typical properties and characteristics that are relevant include:

  • Flammable chemicals.
  • Toxic or corrosive chemicals.
  • Chemicals that emit highly toxic fumes in the event of a fire.
  • Chemicals which, in contact with water, give off flammable gas.
  • Oxidizing chemicals.
  • Explosives.
  • Unstable chemicals.
  • Compressed gases.

When storing chemicals you should consider:

  • The compatibility of different chemicals. For example, oxidizing chemicals should be kept
    separate from flammable liquids or other flammable chemicals.
  • Limiting the quantities of chemicals to be stored.
  • Ensuring there is adequate security of and access to storage areas. Potential ignition sources should be prohibited or controlled.
  • A safe location for storage areas. In order to minimise the effects of an incident, storage areas for chemicals should be kept separate from process areas, occupied buildings and,other storage areas.
  • The appropriate construction, nature and integrity of storage containers.
  • Safe loading, unloading and transport around  he workplace.
  • Adequate precautions and procedures in case of spillage.
  • Temperature, humidity and ventilation arrangements. Ventilation arrangements should ensure that there is no accumulation of gases, vapors or fumes in enclosed areas.

Personal protective equipment (PPE):

This is the last line of defence!

The use of PPE should be the last line of defense and not regarded as an alternative to other suitable control measures which are higher up the hierarchy. It should provide adequate protection against the risk from the hazardous chemicals to which the wearer is exposed, for the duration of the exposure, taking into account the type of work being carried out.

In practical terms, you may have to apply a number of control measures. For example, even with good engineering controls you may still need to examine whether administrative controls and PPE are also needed. The further up the hierarchy you take action better. You do not want to be in a situation where you are highly reliant on PPE for protection from chemical hazards.

Section 8 of the SDS gives advice on steps needed to reduce exposure, including advice on appropriate PPE. Personal protective equipment can include:

  • Eye/face protection (e.g. safety glasses, goggles, face shields).
  • Skin protection (e.g. chemical resistant footwear – shoes/boots/wellingtons, clothing –aprons/suits).
  • Hand protection (e.g. gloves or gauntlets, disposable or otherwise, which are suitable for the job).
  • Respiratory protection (e.g. respirators, masks or hoods that give adequate protection).
  • Thermal protection (employees may need to be protected from excess heat or cold with appropriate clothing).

Ideally, each person should have their own equipment. They should be trained how to use it effectively, how to keep it in good condition, and where and how to store it safely to prevent contamination.

PPE should comply with international standards i.e. be CE Marked. A CE Mark shows that the equipment conforms with the relevant standard. PPE should be suitable for its purpose and there should be a sufficient supply available in the workplace for all employees who require it.

Where employees have been informed that PPE is required for a specific task, they should use the equipment provided throughout the time they are exposed to the chemical hazard and supervision should be provided to ensure that the equipment is properly used.

All personal protective equipment that is necessary for the safe use of chemicals should be provided and maintained by the employer without cost to the employee.


Ethylene Oxide explosion

 Methyl Iso cyanide explosion

Click the below link to down investigation report


Click the below link to down investigation report


Click the below link to down load the chemical exposure check sheet & signage


Carbon Monoxide

Carbon Monoxide

What is Carbon Monoxide (CO):

Carbon Monoxide (also known as CO) is a colorless, odorless poisonous gas and is a common yet preventable cause of death from poisoning worldwide. Approximately half of the deaths from unintentional CO poisonings result from the inhalation of smoke from fires. Other significant causes are vehicle exhausts and deaths in industrial / commercial settings. On average between 1 and 2 people die each year in Ireland from unintentional CO poisoning in the home in incidents related to domestic heating or other fossil fuel installations in the home (i.e. excluding the inhalation of smoke from fires).

The incomplete combustion of organic fossil fuels such as oil, gas or coal is a common environmental source of CO and is responsible for many cases of non-fatal unintentional CO poisoning.

In normal conditions the combustion process (the addition of oxygen) will result in carbon in the fossil fuel, combining with oxygen, in the air, to produce Carbon Dioxide (CO2), the same substance we exhale when we breathe.

However, if there is a lack of air for the combustion process or the heating appliance is faulty, Carbon Monoxide can be produced.

When CO is inhaled into the body it combines with the blood, preventing it from absorbing oxygen. If a person is exposed to CO over a period, it can cause illness and even death.

Carbon Monoxide has no smell, taste or colour. This is why it is sometimes called the “Silent Killer”.

Carbon Monoxide alarms can be used as a backup to provide a warning to householders in the event of a dangerous build up of CO. Check that the Carbon Monoxide alarm complies with the EN 50291 standard. Remember that Carbon Monoxide alarms are no substitute for regular inspection and maintenance of appliances, vents, flues and chimneys.

There are signs that you can look out for which indicate incomplete combustion is occurring and may result in the production of CO:

  • yellow or orange rather than blue flames (except fuel effect fires or flueless appliances which display this colour flame).
  • soot or yellow/brown staining around or on appliances.
  • pilot lights that frequently blow out.
  • increased condensation inside windows

There are a number of simple steps that gas consumers can take to keep themselves safe.

Carbon monoxide can be produced by any combustion appliance, including those that burn fossil fuels e.g. oil, wood and coal.  If you have one of these appliances you should make sure that it is serviced and maintained by a competent person and the chimney is regularly swept.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning:

Causes of CO Poisoning:

You can be in danger of Carbon Monoxide poisoning at home if dangerous amounts of Carbon Monoxide accumulate in the home. This can happen as a result of any or a combination of the following:

  • Faulty or damaged heating appliances
  • Heating appliance not maintained or serviced
  • Rooms not properly ventilated
  • Blocked chimneys or flues
  • Indoor use of a barbecue grill or outdoor heater
  • Poor installation of heating appliances
  • Improper operation of heating appliances
  • Property alterations or home improvements, which reduce ventilation
  • Running engines such as vehicles or lawnmowers in garages
  • Using cooking appliances for heating purposes

High level CO poisoning results in progressively more severe symptoms, including:

  • Mental confusion
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of muscular coordination
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Ultimately death

Where is CO found?

Natural sources of CO such as forest fires create the largest amount of CO worldwide, but human made sources such as internal combustion engines are a greater concern to workers. This is because they can produce localized high-hazard areas, particularly in confined spaces or areas where there is poor ventilation.

Potential sources of CO include emissions from:

  • Vehicles
  • Portable generators
  • Gasoline-powered tools (for example, chop saws)
  • Fires and explosions
  • Natural gas space heaters
  • Kilns, furnaces, and boilers
  • Welding
  • Cigarette smoking

Tobacco smoking can be as much of a CO hazard to workers who smoke as work-related exposure. Smoking produces COHb levels 10-20 times the normal low levels produced by breathing city air. Tobacco smoke contains 4-6% of CO (40,000-60,000 ppm). This CO is diluted in the mouth and upper airways, but the remaining 400 ppm that is inhaled is still a very large amount. Workers who smoke put themselves at higher risk of serious harm if they are also exposed to CO in their jobs.

Symptoms of CO Poisoning:

Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide poisoning can be similar to those caused by other illnesses such as a cold or flu. They include

  • headaches or dizziness
  • breathlessness
  • nausea
  • loss of consciousness
  • tiredness
  • pains in the chest or stomach
  • erratic behavior
  • visual problems

What to Do?

If anyone in your house has any of the symptoms outlined above get fresh air immediately, then go to your doctor and ask him/her to check for Carbon Monoxide poisoning.

Stop using the appliance immediately & do not use it again until it has been checked by a registered installer or a qualified service agent.

The amount of CO which the blood absorbs depends chiefly on two things: how much CO is in the air and the time of the exposure. Adverse effects of CO on humans are reduced by periods of breathing fresh air. The degree of recovery depends on the number and length of those periods. The general state of health and degree of physical activity of a person exposed to CO are other factors involved in the effects of Carbon Monoxide on the body.

Physiological Effects of Carbon Monoxide (CO):

Know the Danger Signs:

Watch out for any of the warning signs that your appliance is not functioning properly:

  • Staining, scooting or discoloration around the appliance.
  • Appliances that burn slowly, badly (orange or ‘floppy’ flames) or go out.
  • A yellow or orange flame where normally blue.
  • Condensation or dampness on walls and windows in the room once the appliance is lit.
  • A strange smell when the appliance is on.
  • Rusting or water streaking on appliance cabinet/vent/chimney.
  • Loose or disconnected vent/chimney connections or guards

Advice on Appliances:

Oil, Gas and Solid fuel Appliances

When buying an oil or gas appliance, deal with a reputable outlet. Every new appliance is supplied with a full instruction book, essential to the correct and safe use of the appliance. Insist that the appliance installer gives you an instruction book. Read it carefully and get to know your appliance. Keep the instructions handy. If you are moving house leave the instruction book for any appliance you are not taking with you (contact your appliance supplier if you need a replacement instruction book).

All appliances should be serviced and checked for safety annually to make sure they are working safely and efficiently. If you’re concerned that an appliance is not operating safely, or that the installation in your house is not in good condition or unsafe then have a safety inspection conducted.

Mobile Gas Heaters (L.P.G.)

The use of mobile heaters which are damaged can result in the production of Carbon Monoxide. In particular if the plaques or bricks at the front of the heater are damaged, or the retaining cement is missing, they should be immediately replaced by a competent person. The heater should not be used in a damaged condition. For further details on safety checks for mobile gas heaters.

Safety alert on New World Vision gas cookers

The New World Vision 50TWLMSV (LPG) gas cooker can produce dangerous levels of carbon monoxide if not operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. For further information on this and other New Wold Vision 50TWL models affected and the required safety actions.

Wood Pellet Boilers

Wood Pellet Boilers are commonly used in homes and businesses as an alternative to the oil or gas fired boilers. Wood pellets, the fuel source for these units are normally housed in a large sealed hopper/tank that is either fitted with screw feeder (auger) connected to the boiler, or the hopper/tank is mounted over the boiler for gravity feeding. Due to the enclosed nature of these hoppers/tanks the atmosphere inside can become oxygen depleted and a toxic atmosphere can accumulate. All operators, maintenance personnel and users of this equipment need to ensure the following;

  1. DO NOT ENTER or place your head into the wood pellet hopper under any circumstances. The unit can contain toxic gases.
  2. Ensure that your wood pellet hopper/tank and boiler has been installed and commissioned by a competent person. If in doubt, contact the supplier and/or manufacturer and request assistance.
  3. Ensure that the boiler is cleaned and serviced by a competent person at the frequency required by the manufacturers’ instructions.
  4. If any problems are encountered with the unit, such as, system not heating correctly, flue gas is flowing into boiler room, turn unit off and seek assistance immediately.
  5. No personnel should enter the hopper/tank unless fully trained and competent in confined space entry procedures. The hopper/tank should be fully ventilated and controls put in place to ensure safe entry as per the HSA Code of Practice “Safe Work in Confined Spaces”.
  6. Ensure boiler room is well ventilated at all times to ensure no inadvertent build up of toxic gases.

Installing a carbon monoxide alarm could save your life

Regular inspection and maintenance of appliances, vents, flues and chimneys are the best ways to protect you and your family from the hidden danger of carbon monoxide. For added protection install an audible carbon monoxide alarm.

Carbon Monoxide alarms are available from many hardware and DIY stores.

There are some points you need to be aware of to make sure your alarm effectively protects you.

What type should I use?

Many different alarms are available but we recommend that the alarm;

  • Complies with European Standard EN 50291 – This should be marked on the box
  • Carries the CE Mark
  • Has an ‘end of life’ indicator – This indicator should not be confused with any ‘fault’ indicator
  • Carries an independent certification mark – For example a kite mark, this indicates that the alarm has been approved by an accredited testing and certification organization.

One alarm may not be sufficient

If all your fuel-burning appliances (including their exhaust flues and air supplies) are in the one room, then one alarm in that room may suffice. If the appliances/flues are located in more than one room, then an alarm should be fitted in each of those rooms.

Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines when installing alarms or have a qualified installer fit it for you.

Make sure the alarm can be heard

If the alarm(s) cannot be heard in any living rooms and in all bedrooms, more advanced alarms that include the provision for interconnecting them can be used. In this case, if one interconnected alarm detects CO, it will trigger the other units to also sound an alarm. This allows you to position extra alarms close to the living rooms and bedrooms, where they will be audible.

Safety Precautions:

  • Ensure your appliances are correctly installed and SERVICED ANNUALLY.
  • Ensure that rooms in your home containing heating appliances are properly ventilated – NEVER BLOCK VENTS.
  • Make sure all chimneys are regularly swept and kept clear.
  • Use appliances only for the PURPOSE for which they were designed, e.g. do not use a cooker to heat a room.
  • NEVER use any appliance if you suspect it might be faulty.
  • If undertaking ALTERATIONS to your home which may affect the safety or efficiency of your heating installation (e.g. adding an extension, converting a garage, removing internal walls, changing a living room into a bedroom, double glazing / weather sealed doors) follow this safety advice:
    • Do not block or build around any existing air vents or flues.
    • If creating a new living space, ensure it has ventilation in accordance with Building Regulations.
    • If adding additional radiators ensure that your boiler can cope with the additional capacity
    • If you are altering or adding appliances to a natural gas or LPG installation, ensure that work is carried out to IS813:2002 Domestic Gas Installations.
    • Get professional advice on ventilation and fueling before embarking on alterations to your house. Contact your fuel supplier for details of qualified personnel.
  • Use Carbon Monoxide alarms but remember these are no substitute for regular inspection and maintenance of appliances, vents, flues and chimneys. Check that the Carbon Monoxide alarm complies with the EN 50291 standard.

Natural Gas:

Choose room-sealed appliances. With room-sealed appliances fresh air intake for combustion comes from outside of the house and emissions are then discharged outside also. As such, the air in the room where the appliance is fitted is not used or affected by the appliance. There fore room sealed appliances (balanced flue or fanned drought types) are recommended for new and replacement boilers and water heaters.

Do you have an unsafe water heater?

Flue less gas water heaters are considered dangerous because they consume the air inside the room. This causes the products of combustion – including toxic Carbon Monoxide – to discharge directly into the room where the heater is fitted. If used for extended periods, the levels of Carbon Monoxide can build up to dangerous levels if there is a lack of ventilation. Open flue-type water heaters located in bathrooms are also considered unsafe.

Clinical Effects

The stakes for diagnosing and treating CO poisoning are high. Fast, effective treatment can do much to improve clinical outcomes and contain damage to the neurological, cardiac, metabolic, pulmonary and renal systems of the body as described.

Impact of CO Poisoning on the Body Systems:


CO poisoning causes central nervous system depression presenting in a host of impairments. In mild cases, patients report headaches, dizziness and confusion. In severe cases, patients may be comatose or develop seizures. Long-term neurocognitive and neuropsychiatric sequel are reported even after moderate to severe single exposures.


CO poisoning causes decreased myocardial function and dilatation and a decreased oxygen delivery to, and utilization of, oxygen by the myocardium. As a result, the patients may present hypertensive or with tachycardia, chest pain, arrhythmia or myocardial ischemia. Most deaths from CO poisoning ultimately result from ventricular arrhythmia.7 Long-term cardiac sequel are reported even after moderate to severe single exposures, increasing the odds ratio of premature cardiac death.


Respiratory alkaloids (hyperventilation) is possible in mild cases. With severe exposure, metabolic acidosis may result in elevated levels of acid throughout the body.


Pulmonary edema occurs in 10 – 30 percent of acute CO exposures.7 This may be due to a direct effect on the alveolar membrane, left ventricular failure, aspiration or neurotic pulmonary edema.

Multiple Organ Failure

At high levels, multiple organ failures are expected, with a lethal outcome likely without immediate treatment to remove the CO.

Exposure Levels and OSHA Air Quality:

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) permissible exposure limit for carbon monoxide is 50 ppm of air, or 55 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) as an eight-hour time-weighted average concentration. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends exposure levels (REL) below the OSHA air-quality numbers. They recommend keeping exposure to less than 35ppm, or 40 mg/m3 in eight hours. The ACGIH has assigned a carbon monoxide threshold-limit value (TLV) of 25 ppm or 28.6 mg/m3 for eight hours.

CO risk factors

The following factors may increase the risk of workers being exposed to unsafe levels of CO:

  • Confined or enclosed spaces – Toxic levels of CO can quickly build up where ventilation is poor and combustion of carbon-containing materials occurs. This is particularly dangerous during winter months in locations such as garages or construction sites, where ventilation is further reduced as windows and doors are closed to conserve heat (or propane heaters are used).
  • Tobacco smoking – Smoking raises the level of COHb in the blood as well as causing lung disease. Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day may produce a COHb level of 5% in the blood. Three packs a day may produce a level of 9%. Exposure to CO on the job in addition to smoking can quickly produce toxic effects.
  • Pre-existing medical conditions – Chronic lung and cardiovascular disease and severe anemia can limit the amount of oxygen carried into the blood to the tissues.
  • Worker training – Workers are more likely to be harmed if they don’t know the hazards of CO.

Reducing the CO risk

The risk of unsafe levels of CO can be reduced with the following controls:

  • Engineering – Increase the efficiency of burning processes, repair leaks in burners, switch from petroleum to electric energy when risk is high, and use catalytic converters on engine exhaust.
  • Ventilation – Prevent the buildup of CO through the proper design of general ventilation for enclosed spaces and the use of properly designed local exhaust ventilation systems (such as tailpipe exhaust systems).
  • Isolation controls – Isolate workers from dangerous work areas.
  • Monitoring – CO levels must be monitored where there is a risk of CO exposure.
  • Education – Workers must be taught how to prevent and recognize CO poisoning, and how to give first aid to those overcome by the gas.
  • Labeling and posting – Post appropriate warning signs in areas where significant exposures to CO are likely to occur.
  • Stop smoking – Cut down on smoking or quit entirely to reduce the personal hazard from CO on the job.

First aid and rescue

In the event of a poisoning, follow these guidelines:

  • Summon the first aid attendant for your work site as outlined in the posted written procedures for providing first aid.
  • To attempt a rescue in an area with high CO levels, wear only a positive-pressure, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), or a full-face, supplied air (airline) respirator with an “escape” air bottle.
    Note: Only qualified personnel should attempt a rescue.
  • If your work site does not require a first aid attendant, follow these steps:
    • Move the poisoned worker to fresh air.
    • Keep the worker warm and at rest. Activity may worsen the effects of CO by increasing oxygen demand.
    • If available, give 100% oxygen through a tight-fitting mask. Oxygen therapy should be continued for at least two hours—it takes 80 minutes to get rid of half of the CO in the body when breathing 100% oxygen.
    • If the worker is having trouble breathing or is not breathing, start assisted ventilation using a pocket mask. Add oxygen to the mask, if available. If the worker has no pulse, begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Because the body rids itself of CO when removed from the exposure, it is critical to continue giving the worker assisted ventilation with oxygen until medical aid arrives.
    • Call for a doctor or get the worker to a hospital while continuing first aid treatment.

Treatment must begin right away—delay is a significant factor in permanent brain damage.

Workers who are accidentally exposed to CO usually recover fully, if the exposure has not caused unconsciousness. It’s a good idea to see a doctor before returning to work because weakness or lack of coordination may lead to accidents.

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The Quiet killer -Carbon Monoxide

Where to install CO Alarm